I called my mom this week to tell her that we finally bought a minivan. She, along with everyone else that heard this news was SO excited for us. You may wonder why someone would be thrilled about a minivan? Isn't this the car that everyone dreads? I mean, minivans aren't that cool, right? That may be true when you go from driving this:
To driving this:But when your fine luxury transportation device looks like this:
then that minivan feels like upward mobility for sure. It's actually been a good car. And while innocent by standers can hear the car coming WELL before they see it, and AFTER they see it they feel like they've been insulted in some way, it's done it's job and we are very grateful it stuck it out. Actually, those who have besmirched the car should see what it would look like if I hadn't been spray painting portions of it over the years. An activity that would have positively mortified me in middle school when not only would I not go into the D.I. (thrift store, for those of you who might feel out of the loop), but I laid on the floor of the car so that if any of my friends would happen to drive by they wouldn't know I was there. What a FREAK!
So this week, my mom joked that I may finally have lived my pride of past years down. Whew!
BUT my uncoolness doesn't end there! Nay, my well of dorkiness is deep. I've needed new glasses for years now but I was in denial/stingy so I dealt with cheapy reading glasses instead. But cheap reading glasses weren't even cheap enough for me, so I bought the cheapest and probably the ugliest reading glasses out there. But at $7.84 for THREE pair, who could say "no?" NOT ME! One by one my reading glasses broke. Can you believe it?! Shoddy workmanship.
I finally gave in and got the real deal. And wouldn't you know that they came in the same day that we got the van? So here are my before and after shots taken with the help of my kids. While the rubber band earpieces may not have been original to the glasses, they did their job after the first ones broke off.
So perhaps now the curse is lifted and I no longer have to hang my head in embarrassment when I pull up to the NICEST thrift store in town.
HA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! So funny, Amy! Love both of your new looks. But I kind of like your rubber-banded reading glasses! Maybe you could just keep them as back ups! Welcomes to the workd of minivans!
Yay! Ames! I love the minivan! It is beaut-eee-ful, and all one color! Looks great. As do the specs. So happy for you! What happened to the ole Lumina?
Awesome. Does this mean you are a real grown up now? Did we ever think it could happen to us? No, and yet, here we are ...
Hilarious! And yay for a new car!
Um, you are hilarious. But mostly I just love to see the pics of you, my cute friend. :)
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