Thursday, September 17, 2009

Who's up for a big funny lie?

I haven't posted for a very long time. I feel a tiny bit sheepish about it but I have to tell you why. We have had the MOST wonderful summer and who can blog when there's fun to be had? Not me. Last Tuesday, the day before school started, my kids and I laid on my bed and drew up a list of all of the fun things we did this summer. It filled a piece of lined paper and continued onto the back. Wanna read it? I know you're saying "YES!" right now. I'll spare you. BUT, if you want to see some great summer pictures of my family and read a very funny but completely untrue story to go along with them, then you should visit my husbands blog. One of the reasons we don't blog together is because I'm too pragmatic. I really love his blogging antics even if they're not exactly factual, and you might too, so go here: . Except the link isn't working for me, so either tell me how to fix it, or just type it in.
I love Eliza in the picture above. She's the one that looks like she's crying. That's actually her REALLY happy smile. She's so funny. I love our nieces and nephews!
So, sorry I was gone. Here are few shots of my beauties to whet your appetite and leave you saying "MORE! I WANT MORE GREENWAY IN MY LIFE!"


Anna said...

Welcome back to the blog world. : )

tarryn said...

Cute pics! Your kids are so adorable. And Adam's blog is really funny. It is like watching The Office. I have to gear up and get ready to really pay attention so I can catch all the humor.

Emily Reese said...

Your kids are very adirable and I think everyone deserves a break from blogging, but it's n
nice when you come back. Love, Emily

Emily Reese said...

my comment looks funny because some Norton anti virus thingy was popping in front of my comment and wouldn't get out of the way. Emily