Friday, April 3, 2009

Entertainment? We'll see.

Nate and I had an outting today to start considering rectifying the "master bedroom" situation today. It's in quotes because frankly, no master would ever live in what looks more like a yard sale than a bedroom...a subject for another time. But anyway, he was my buddy for the afternoon which sometimes includes choosing the Friday night entertainment.

You'll never guess what he chose. Yup, Space Chimps. He read the blog and he's figured out how funny we think the whole scenario was. So there we were considering several other kids movies that no one has ever heard of, and he said "Let's see if it's as funny as I said it was."

Adam's reffing tonight, so it's me, the kids, and the chimps...wish me luck. He'll probably be looking like this:

I probably won't.


Anna said...

Haha! Too funny. Let us know how you felt about the movie.

amy greenway said...

Good news! There were a few funny lines and nothing about it was unbelievably lame, so maybe Nate's opinion can be trusted after all.

highdeekay said...

That is awesome. Maybe he could start a blog wherein people ask him for movie suggestions and he provides...

Hey Nate, what should we watch tonight while the man-o-the-house is at the Priesthood session. Maybe something a little chick flickish but not totally girly. Any suggestions?

amy greenway said...

Nate says:
"Heeeere's your answer: Annie get your Gun! People sing, so girls like it. But there's guns, so boys like it. And there's YOUR answer!"

Eli's pick:
"Bringing up Baby. It has a crazy lady and a leopard."

Amy's pick:
"The Importance of Being Earnest. It always makes me laugh and will forever be a favorite. OOOOOR, check out the first episode (of five) of Little Dorritt that aired last Sunday on PBS. I LOVE Masterpiece Theater!"