Wednesday, March 23, 2011

shame, shame, I know your name

It's been a few months since we moved into our house. We've figured out most basic areas, but a few areas were still big question marks in our heads. The nook in our bedroom was especially perplexing. Until we figured out what to do with it we used it as a resting spot for all of our (my, mostly) stuff. It was a good out-of-the-way spot to hide our shame. Pretty shameful though, eh?

I can only show you that picture because I then got completely inspired and took it over as my own arts and crafts nook. We teamed up with craigslist and just over $100 later we created this:

I'm in love with it! I know exactly where everything is and where it will go after I use it! Not only that, I have an area TO use it. I think the $1 Target pails are my favorite thing. Just the right size for a million different things. I come around the corner and walk into my nook and experience utter BLISS!

Just thought I'd share.

The other day I asked Eli to put his folded clothes away and be sure to push in his drawers. This is what I found when I went in to check and see if he had finished his job.

Craigslist, here we come.


highdeekay said...

Love, LOve, LOVE it! So clean, crisp, and organized. Will you come do my space?

Charlotte said...

Wow! Do you do robot rooms?


Lynn Greenway said...

Awesome space! I'm totally jealous. Oh, and I love the target pails too! I've got them hanging off 3m hooks in my office area to keep pencils etc...

Anna said...

Wow! That looks wonderful! Oh and your little nook looks good, too. : )

Emily Reese said...

Looks great! What a great room with so much light. Emily