I feel confident that if I asked Eli what he loved to do most in life being on his bike would be at least part of his answer. He LOVES his bike. There are mornings when he wakes up and before going to the bathroom, changing his clothes or eating breakfast he puts on his helmet. The first word he ever read was "bell" because that's what it says on the front of his helmet.

We knew last year when he learned how to ride on two wheels without any instruction or help that he would be a good rider. Duh. So, he was nothing short of giddy when he found out they would be having a "trikeathon" at his school. We talked about it everyday. He wanted to take his bike 2 weeks in advance until he realized that if he did he wouldn't be able to ride it until then. Finally the big day arrived and he was thrilled. Here is a typical picture of the scene on that day. Lots of tricycles and bright and shiny new two wheelers with training wheels. The kids were all so cute and cautious.

Then there was Eli. Dirt all over his bike from many puddles, bent and rusty handlebars, and zero tread on his back wheel from skidding out. It is his most beloved item.

Keeping Eli contained is a trick and not one I find much value in unless we're at a church meeting or attempting to refuel him (both difficult but important tasks). He spends lots of time riding up and down the sidewalk and he's pretty good at staying where he's supposed to be and checking in often. Last weekend Eli was out for a ride as usual and he ran inside and said "I have some tricks to show you but Mom and Dad both have to come out." I rounded up Adam and out we went. I thought he might show us that he could ride with no feet, or stop really fast but I certainly wasn't prepared for this. I mean, he's just 4.
Trick #1 - Feet through the handlebars. I really fought back the urge to freak out. Can you imagine what would happen if he fell over? I've learned with Eli that warning him or forbidding him from doing something is usually just a challenge for him so unless he's in spiritual or SERIOUS physical danger it's better to just let him go for it. I remember when he was trying to jump down the stairs from the landing to the basement and he was barely 3. I thought about it for the split second I had and said "Jump REALLY hard Eli or you'll go "splat"." I knew he would jump anyway so I might as well offer advice. I probably wouldn't feel this way if he didn't always pull off all of his physical feats of daring with out as much as a scrape. Anyway...

Trick #2 -Knees on the seat!

Trick #3 - feet on the seat!?! Even Nate, who is usually with him, doesn't know how he learned these tricks. I think he just tries whatever he thinks of and has the confidence to think he can pull it off. He went on to show us how he can stop his bike by putting his feet on either side of the front wheel and a few others that I can't remember and didn't take pictures of.

So after the show, we wandered in saving our lectures for another time. I've only known one kid just like Eli and last I knew he was being filmed in Nepal kayaking down some of the most treacherous waters in the world. Good thing Eli only wants to be a fire fighter.
Oh Eli! That boy never ceases to amaze me...what a little daredevil! As I am typing this Madelynne was trying some tricks of her own and fell and bonked her head. Now I am typing with her sobbing loudly in my ear and Jackson is sympathy crying and wanting to be held too. My kids seem like wimps in Eli's shadow.
I'm amazed. Amazed at his skill and your restraint.
Wow! He is fearless!
My stomach is all clenched up.
Ummm...we finally got Max to pedal on his own this spring. I think this is more a matter of his laziness than anything else. He would much rather be pushed around. I don't expect to take off the training wheels until, oh, 2015 or so.
Ok, I am exaggerating a little. He was pedaling on his own last year, about the time Eli was mastering the unicycle.
You just need to make him promise not to teach any of his tricks to Isaac. He manages to get in enough trouble all by himself! :0D
Actually I have to amend emily's statement. Gavin seems to get Isaac into trouble (ie ashes in the basement, Vicks, etc.) But that's as far as Gavin goes. He still hates walking on wet surfaces due to one slip in the bathroom a year and a half ago. Now Andrew on the other hand is already trying to climb on the baby gates...he can't even walk for cryin out loud!
I make no promises. :) I learned a long time ago that while I have some say in Eli's life and decisions he's not exactly looking to me to find out what his next move is.
I love this post! Michael isn't quite this skilled, but he surpasses Bryant in the daring department, and the I'll-do-whatever-you-don't-want-me-to-do department. What is it with second-borns?
And yet, they can be so darn cute and accomplished when they defy you....
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